Magnolia Classic Standouts- Sip's Next Gen 2024-2025

2024-2025 (7th-8th Grade)

6’8 EJ Paymon (MBAOSAG)

EJ has spurted up within the past year and his game has benefited greatly. He comes in with tons of confidence and loves to compete every time he steps on the floor. Most would consider him to be a post player for this age with all of that height, but Paymon is a guard. His ability to handle and create for others was visible all weekend. Getting to the basket is easy and now he’s usually dunking on someone once he gets there. He has a soft shooting touch and can stretch the defense out with his mid-range and 3 ball. With the size and skill, it wouldn’t surprise me to see EJ in the national ranking in the net few years.

7’ Rufus Owolabi jr. (MBAOSAG)

Its hard to miss Rufus when he walks into the gym. He was the biggest kid in the gym this weekend and in most cases that will be anytime, he walks into a gym. Most 7 footers come with small frames but Rufus has a nice athletic build. He can run the floor well and causes problems when he is active. Rebounding is one of his strengths and rightfully so. He grabs balls at the highest point and does a great job of finding the guard or making strong outlet passes for easy layups on the other end. Has he continues to polish his game on the offensive end, Rufus will no doubt be a sure college prospect.

5’8 Ja’vian Watkins (MCE)

Watkins brings everything a coach wants in a smaller guard. Pitbull mentality that will do anything to get the win. He has great pace and is level headed when it comes to making good decisions with the ball. Watkins does a great job of picking his spots and can score from anywhere. When it comes to getting teammates easy looks he can do that as well.

5’11 Rakwuez Thompson (MCE)

Thompson brings a lot of flash to the game. He has a nice handle and can make things happen. He gets downhill quickly and puts pressure on the defense. Like all of the Celtics players, he comes with tons of toughness and can help any team win.

6’ Brewer Carruth (MBAOSAG)

A player that Plays with lots of toughness and nonstop motor. Carruth is a team player and does all the small things to help his team win. He has nice range and can knock down shots with ease.

6’ Greer Manning (GLA)

Manning is a hard nose guard who does whatever the coach needs him to do. He plays with a high motor and makes for a tough assignment for opposing teams. Manning excels shooting the mid-range and long ball. His vision and ability to make plays for others is underrated as well.

5’8 Tallie Webber (GLA)

Webber is a flashy PG with range and pace in transition. He does a great job of sitting up teammates and keeping the defense at bay with his ability to knock down 3s frequently. He did a good job of scoring the ball on all 3 levels this weekend.

6’1 Jalen Hall (GLA)

Hall brings lots of size to the wing spot. he rebounds well and causes trouble for defenders whenever he gets touches in the paint

6’ Emajai Horton (MCE)

Horton is a strong guard with a lot of toughness. He can guard 1-5 and is a mismatch for smaller guards. Getting to the basket is what he likes to do and it’s hard to stop him from getting there.

5’9 Javarian Mallard (MCE)

Another tough guard that can get to the basket at will. Nice handle and pace. Loves to score in transition.

5’6 Dylan Rowe (MBAOSAG)

Rowe has a good feel for the game. He knows how to pick his spots and can make shots. Makes plays for himself and knows how to get teammates involved.

Best Games of the Weekend

8th Grade: MBAOSAG vs Mississippi Celtics

7th Grade: GLA vs Mississippi Celtics

Telante Webber